TODAY NEWS: Reality of Ehsaas Kafalat 75,600 Payment MessagesTODAY NEWS: Reality of Ehsaas Kafalat 75,600 Payment Messages

TODAY NEWS: Reality of Ehsaas Kafalat 75,600 Payment Messages

In current circumstances, a vast number of people across Pakistan have been receiving messages indicating eligibility for the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, with promises of significant payments, ranging from 5000 to as much as 55,000 rupees.

These messages, typically sent from familiar mobile numbers starting with ’03’, may initially appear enticing. However, upon closer examination, a darker reality emerges: these messages are part of a widespread scam targeting the vulnerable. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of these deceitful messages, shed light on ongoing misconceptions, and outline how to avoid potential fraud.

The Truth of Ehsaas Kafalat 75600 Installment Messages has become a significant challenge across Pakistan. These messages, often received unsolicited, promise substantial financial assistance to individuals in need. Unfortunately, behind these appealing offers lies a sophisticated scam aimed at exploiting the unsuspecting.

Eligibility Messages

Individuals frequently receive an initial text message informing them of their alleged eligibility for the Ehsaas Kafalat program. These messages vary in celebratory tone but often mention amounts such as 5000, 55,000, or even more, enticing recipients with the promise of financial aid purportedly from the government of Pakistan.

Congrats on the 75600 Installment

Following the eligibility notification, beneficiaries may also receive another message congratulating them on the receipt of 75600 rupees. This message often urges individuals to contact specific numbers to claim their supposed installment, further perpetuating the deception.

Connection with Ehsaas Fraudsters

Upon reaching the provided numbers, individuals are connected with fraudsters posing as representatives of the Ehsaas Kafalat program. These scammers may falsely claim that the payments have been deposited into the victim’s account, urging them to take certain actions to access the funds.

Request for Payment or Information

In some instances, victims are coerced into transferring a sum of money to a designated account to facilitate the dispatch of their alleged installment. Furthermore, fraudsters may also request sensitive documents under the guise of verification procedures, putting victims at further risk of exploitation.

75600 Ehsaas Kafalat Messages

It is essential for recipients to ignore and delete any messages claiming eligibility for reimbursements under the Ehsaas Kafalat program. Furthermore, reporting fraudulent activity to the relevant authorities is crucial in combating such scams and protecting vulnerable individuals from financial harm.


The influx of deceptive messages promising substantial reimbursements under the guise of the Truth of Ehsaas Kafalat 75600 Installment Messages program underscores the importance of awareness and skepticism. By understanding the truth behind these messages and adopting proactive measures to safeguard personal information, individuals can protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Remember, skepticism is your best defense against scams masquerading as assistance programs.


Are messages claiming Ehsaas Kafalat reimbursements fraudulent?

No, but the vast majority of unsolicited messages claiming reimbursements are part of scams. Always verify the authenticity of such messages before taking any action.

What if I have proactively provided personal information to these fraudsters?

If you have shared sensitive information, contact your financial institution immediately to secure your accounts. Additionally, report the incident to the relevant authorities to prevent further exploitation.

Can I ever verify the authenticity of Ehsaas Kafalat messages?

Yes, you can verify by contacting legitimate authorities’ helplines or visiting official websites dedicated to the Ehsaas program.

How can I protect myself from falling victim to such scams in the future?

Exercise caution with unsolicited messages, refrain from sharing personal information, and verify the legitimacy of any offers or claims before proceeding.

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